
We gratefully acknowledge Hudsonia’s partnership with Bard College in the Bard College Field Station on South Tivoli Bay in Annandale.

Our interns, colleagues, friends, supporters, and donors make our work possible, and we are thankful for all they have done for us over the years.

The photographs of many colleagues, friends, interns, volunteers, and employees grace these pages, including those of Anita Barbour, Spider Barbour, Philippa Dunne, Larry Federman, Chris Graham, Ingrid Haeckel, Laura Heady, Elise Heffernan, Erik Kiviat, Karin Limburg, Kristi MacDonald, Andrew Meyer, Andy Reinmann, Bob Schmidt, Kathleen Schmidt, Zach Schwartz-Weisman, Gretchen Stevens, Lea Stickle, Nava Tabak, Erin Talmage, Thomas Teich, Jason Tesauro, Kristin Bell Travis, Conrad Vispo, David Werier, and Julianna Zdunich.  

You’ll also see the work of Ben Derr, a talented young scientist who died far too young. We are grateful to his partner Chelsea Gendreau and his mother Andy Myers for giving us permission to use his work.