Books, Scientific Articles, and Hudsonia Reports
All of our reports, articles, and books are written to be of use to field biologists in 50 to 100 years, just as, today, we use natural histories written decades ago to understand our changing world.
And we are pleased to have collaborated with, guided, and learned from many young scientists over the decades, whose work is included here.
We are continually adding reports and articles to these pages.
Book-length Publications
From a 1978 study of ecological pattern & process along the Hudson Rivers’s east bank, through a number of field guides and habitat studies, to the 2022 publication of our 20-year study of the species, many rare, in an urban wetland. Bonus: A photographic essay by Esther Kiviat, our co-founder’s mother.
Selected Scientific Articles
We mention above that we write with future scientists in mind. Here’s part of the record backing that up, including a search for paleoenvironmental clues in Tivoli Bays, a study of a new fish species in Guayana, all disseminating field research, the backbone of environmental conservation.
From our Base at the Bard College Field Station
A record of the work done by Hudsonia’s many advisees, interns, and scientists. You might take a look at the 1986 survey of butterflies and moths in the North Tivoli Bay before your next excursion to the Hudson River estuary.