Our History in Print
Our mission—bringing accurate conservation science to stewards of our lands, both rural and urban—includes open access to our research, made possible by the generosity of our donors.
Please contact us for copies of reports listed or to inquire about reports not listed
Over the Years: News from Hudsonia
Our first newsletters, typed out in the early 1980s, encouraged citizen scientists to do some seasonal sleuthing, including looking for nesting ospreys, recently recovering in the region. (Conservation science works.) Past issues trace the evolution of our mission, with ongoing news about the wondrous species all around us, and updates on new projects and initiatives.
Turtle Tracks
Subscribe to Turtle Tracks to receive infrequent updates on recent projects and findings, a great way to learn about the importance of our work. We use this service to share our work, not for fundraising.
Books, Scientific Articles, and Reports—A 40-year Chronology
Ecological science is interwoven, collaborative, and messy. Here’ s a full listing of the papers and books we have published over the years—sometimes overlapping, often team-work, all with enduring value—with links when available.