Ways to Support Us
Support our Scientific Research
We are immensely grateful to those who have supported our work over the years. The exacting field science we conduct isn’t cheap; for the plants and animals who share our world, it’s priceless.
Often when we are in the field on a technical job we stumble on an unusual species assemblage—out of scope of the project—that calls out for further research, perhaps critical to the survival of the species involved. This kind of pure, or curiosity, research is well-known to be a wellspring of surprise and disruptive knowledge, and is supported by the generosity of our donors.
We invite you to join them. Your contribution, regardless of size, will make you a member of Hudsonia. Another way to support our work is to tell friends who might be interested about us.
Our volunteers are an integral part of our work, reporting sightings, helping with field surveys, laboratory work, data management, and other tasks at the Bard College Field Station. One of our most popular volunteer opportunities is our annual spring survey of glass eels arriving at the mouth of the Saw Kill. The mysterious glass eels have just drifted up from the Sargasso Sea, and we need help catching, counting and releasing these charismatic creatures. They have been in drastic decline for decades, and co-founder Bob Schmidt set up nets near the Field Station in 2003 to gather information that may help conservation scientists prevent their extinction. We’ve been there every spring since. It’s cold, wet, hard work, and our volunteers come back every year. There are opportunities on dry land too!
Winter 2023 - 2024 Sponsors
Our sponsors generously support News from Hudsonia.
If you would like to sponsor an upcoming issue, send us a message or call us at 845-758-7053.
(Publishing a sponsorship does not constitute an endorsement)