Bats - New York's Most Threatened Mammal
Presented by Dr. Amanda Bevan Zientek, Bat Biologist & Director of the Biodiversity Resources Center
Tuesday, October 22nd at 6 pm
Morton Memorial Library & Community House
82 Kelly Street, Rhinecliff, NY
Free and open to the public
In October, resident bats are going into hibernation, but if you’re lucky, you may see a “fall swarm,” the lively courtship ritual performed outside their hibernacula.
Amanda will highlight the fascinating biology of these night wanderers, the ecological services they provide to our farmers, and how we can support them amid many threats.
Bats are social mammals, yet little is known about the social functions of the
wide array of sounds heard outside their colonies. Amanda will share the research
she intends to launch to help fill that gap.
Please join us.
Left photo: A silver-haired bat (Lasionycteris noctivagans), the “hairy bat night wanderer”. Photo © Amanda Bevan Zientek. Middle & Right photos: This hoary bat (Lasiurus cinereus) was captured in a mist net, examined by Amanda, and released within 10 minutes. Photo © Ellen Whittle.