Hudsonia Reports
Here you will find a selection of reports commissioned by NGOs and concerned citizen groups, towns and municipalities often related to documents submitted in the permit process, and land owners and land trusts.
This page is a work in progress. If you are looking for a specific report, want a copy of a report not in the public domain, or are interested in commissioning a report, please get in touch.
You can find the natural resource inventories and habitat maps, with their accompanying written reports, at our Biodiversity Resources Center.
Featured Work
Invasive Species Project: Denning's Point Park
Rebecca Rew & Asher Pact, Clarkson University and Beacon Institute for Rivers and Estuaries, and Chris Graham & Erik Kiviat, Hudsonia, Ltd. Report to the Lower Hudson PRISM, 2021
Preliminary Biodiversity Assessment of Yankeetown Pond, Town of Woodstock, Ulster County, New York
Erik Kiviat, Hudsonia, Ltd. Prepared for Erin Moran, Woodstock, New York, 2019
Assessing Potential Ecological Effects of Mute Swan (Cyngus olor) Expansion in Northeastern North America
Kristen Bell Travis & Erik Kiviat. Prepared for Grant & Lyons, LLP, 2017
Preliminary Assessment of Area II, an Undeveloped Parcel of Overpeck County Park
Erik Kiviat, Hudsonia, Ltd. Report to Bergen County Audubon Society, 2017.
Anderson, A.B. & R.E. Schmidt. 1989. Survey of larval and juvenile fish populations in water-chestnut (Trapa natans) beds in Tivoli South Bay, a Hudson River tidal marsh. P. VI-1 to VI-34 in E.A. Blair and J.R. Waldman, eds. Polgar Fellowship Reports of the Hudson River National Estuarine Research Reserve Program, 1988. Hudson River Foundation, New York, NY.
Bacon, R.J. & E. Kiviat. 2018. Ecology of painted turtles in a freshwater tidal marsh, Tivoli North Bay, New York. Pages II-1 to II-29 in S.H. Fernald, D.J. Yozzo and H. Andreyko (eds.), Final Reports of the Tibor T. Polgar Fellowship Program, 2015. Hudson River Foundation.
Barbour, S. [J.G.] & E. Kiviat. 1986. A survey of Lepidoptera in Tivoli North Bay (Hudson River Estuary). P. IV-1 to IV-26 in J.C. Cooper, ed. Polgar Fellowship Reports of the Hudson River National Estuarine Sanctuary Program, 1985. New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Hudson River Foundation, and U.S. Department of Commerce.
Bell, K., E. Kiviat & G. Stevens. 2008. Biological Surveys of a Transect Through South Bay and Adjoining Uplands,
Town of Greenport and City of Hudson, Columbia County, New York. Report to Scenic Hudson, Inc.
Bohne, C. & R.E. Schmidt. 1989. Larval fish flux between a freshwater tidal marsh and the Hudson River estuary. P. VII-1 to VII-22 in E.A. Blair and J.R. Waldman, eds. Polgar Fellowship Reports of the Hudson River National Estuarine Research Reserve Program, 1988. Hudson River Foundation, New York, NY.
Caponera V. & E. Kiviat. 2020. Painted Turtle Ecology in a Freshwater Tidal Marsh: Concluding Survey. Section VII: pp.1-30. In S.H. Fernald, D.J. Yozzo, and H. Andreyko (eds.), Final Reports of the Tibor T. Polgar Fellowship Program, 2018. Hudson River Foundation.
Drill, S. & R.E. Schmidt. 1988. The composition of the summer zooplankton community in Tivoli Bays, Hudson River, New York. P. II-1 to II-24 in J.R. Waldman and E.A. Blair, eds. Polgar Fellowship Reports of the Hudson River National Estuarine Research Reserve Program, 1987. Hudson River Foundation, New York, NY.
Duryea, M. & R.E. Schmidt. 1987. Feeding biology of the tessellated darter (Etheostoma olmstedi atromaculatum) at Tivoli North Bay, Hudson River NY. P. III-1 to III-19 in E.A. Blair and J.C. Cooper, eds. Polgar Fellowship Reports of the Hudson River National Estuarine Research Reserve Program, 1986. Hudson River Foundation, New York, NY.
Graham, C. & E. Kiviat. 2022. Preliminary Biodiversity Assessment of the Winston Farm Property, Town of Saugerties, Ulster County, New York. Report to Catskill Mountainkeeper.
Hankin, N. & R.E. Schmidt. 1992. Standing crop of fishes in water-celery beds in the tidal Hudson. P. VIII-1 to VIII-23 in J.R. Waldman & E.A. Blair, eds. Polgar Fellowship Reports of the Hudson River National Estuarine Research Reserve Program, 1991.
Hartwig, T. & E. Kiviat. 2009. Experimental Management of Japanese Knotweed (Fallopia japonica) on the Batavia Kill, Greene County, New York. Report to Greene County Soil and Water Conservation District and New York City Department of Environmental Protection.
Kiviat, E. 2020. Review of Incidental Take Permit Application for Construction of an Access Road to the Red Wing Mine, White Schoolhouse Road, Town of Rhinebeck, Dutchess County, New York. Report to the Rhinebeck Town Board.
Kiviat, E. 2020. Potential Impacts on Wildlife of Noise from the Proposed Factory at 850 Route 28, Town of Kingston, Ulster County, New York. Prepared for the Woodstock Land Conservancy and Catskill Mountainkeeper, Woodstock and Livingston Manor, New York.
Kiviat, E. 2020. Saw Kill Studies, Progress Report for June 2020. Prepared under Agreement 98825 between Bard College and the New York State Energy Research and Development Company.
Kiviat, E. April 2020. Preliminary Biodiversity Assessment and Comments on the DEIS for the Rapp Road Residential/Western Avenue Mixed Use Redevelopment Projects, Town of Guilderland, Albany County, New York. Report prepared for the Town of Guilderland Planning Board at the request of Save the Pine Bush,
1667 Western Avenue, LLC, and Red-Kap Sales, Inc.
Kiviat, E. 2017. Preliminary Biodiversity Assessment of the Proposed Beautiful Earth Development Project at McDonald Road and Route 209, Town of Mamakating, Sullivan County, New York. Prepared for the Basha Kill Area Association Wurtsboro, New York
Kiviat, E. 2014. Preliminary Biodiversity Assessment of the Algonquin Gas Pipeline in the Towns of Yorktown and Cortlandt, Westchester County, New York. Report to Community Watersheds Clean Water Coalition.
Kiviat, E. 2003. Wetland Assessment of the Proposed Mill Brook Greenway, Village and Town of New Paltz, Ulster County, New York. Report to the Village of New Paltz and the Town of New Paltz.
Kiviat, E. 2012. Distribution and Habitat of the Undescribed Leopard Frog (Lithobates [Rana] sp. nov.) in the New Jersey Meadowlands, 2012. Final Report to the Hudson River Foundation Grant # 002/12E.
Kiviat, E. 2010. Phragmites Management Sourcebook for the Tidal Hudson River and the Northeastern States. Report to the Hudson River Foundation, Grant 012/00A.
Kiviat, E., P.M. Groffman, G. Stevens, S. Nyman & G.C. Hanson. 1994. Reference wetlands in eastern New York. Hudsonia Ltd., Annandale, NY. 94 p.
Kiviat, E., et al. 1982. Final Environmental Impact Statement. Hudson River Estuarine Sanctuary. U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, DC. 343 p.
Kiviat, E. & N. Slowik. 2015. Identifying Conservation Targets for the Lower Hudson PRISM: Invasive Species Threats to Species of Greatest Conservation Need. Report to the Lower Hudson Partnership in Regional Invasive Species Management, New York – New Jersey Trail Conference, Mahwah, New Jersey.
Krause, L.H., C. Rietsma & E. Kiviat. 1997. Terrestrial insects associated with Phragmites australis, Typha angustifolia, and Lythrum salicaria in a Hudson River tidal marsh. P. V-1 to V-35 in W.C. Nieder & J.R. Waldman, eds. Final Reports of the Tibor T. Polgar Fellowship Program 1996. Hudson River Foundation and New York State Department of Environmental Conservation – Hudson River National Estuarine Research Reserve.
Leonardi, L. & E. Kiviat. 1990. Bryophytes of the Tivoli Bays tidal swamps. P. III-1 to III-23 in J.R. Waldman & E.A. Blair, eds. Final Reports of the Tibor T. Polgar Fellowship Program 1989. Hudson River Foundation and New York State Department of Environmental Conservation – Hudson River National Estuarine Research Reserve.
Les, J.C. & E. Kiviat. 2016. The conservation status of goldenclub (Orontium aquaticum) in the freshwater tidal wetlands of the Hudson River. 41 p. in S.H. Fernald, D.J. Yozzo and H. Andreyko (eds.), Final Reports of the Tibor T. Polgar Fellowship Program, 2014. Hudson River Foundation.
Pelczarski, K. & R.E. Schmidt. 1991. Evaluation of a pop net for sampling fishes from water-chestnut beds in the tidal Hudson River. P. V-1 to V-33 in E.A. Blair and J.R. Waldman, eds. Final Reports of the Tibor T. Polgar Fellowship Program 1990. Hudson River Foundation, New York, NY.
Richard, E. & R.E. Schmidt, 1987. Feeding ecology of the banded killifish (Fundulus diaphanus) at Tivoli North Bay, Hudson River New York. P. II-1 to II-20 in E.A. Blair and J.C. Cooper, eds. Polgar Fellowship Reports of the Hudson River National Estuarine Research Reserve Program, 1986. Hudson River Foundation, New York, NY.
Rozycki, C. & E. Kiviat. 1996. A low density, tidal marsh, painted turtle population. P. V-1 to V-35 in E.A. Blair & J.R. Waldman, eds. Final Reports of the Tibor T. Polgar Fellowship Program 1995. Hudson River Foundation and New York State Department of Environmental Conservation – Hudson River National Estuarine Research Reserve.
Russell, A.S., R. Smith & E. Kiviat. 2019. Ecology and Condition of South Twin Lake, Town of Livingston, Columbia County, New York. Report to the Twin Lakes Association.
Schmidt, K.A. 1986. The life history of the chrysomelid beetle Pyrrhalta nymphaeae (Galerucinae) on water chestnut, Trapa natans (Hydrocaryaceae), in Tivoli South Bay, Hudson River, NY. P. V-1 to V-38 in J.C. Cooper, ed. Fellowship Reports of the Hudson River National Estuarine Sanctuary Program, 1985. Hudson River Foundation, New York, NY.
Sharma, V. & E. Kiviat. 1994. Habitats of the monkeyflowers Mimulus alatus and Mimulus ringens on the Hudson River. P. V-1 to V-36 in Final Reports of the Tibor T. Polgar Fellowship Program 1992. Hudson River Foundation and New York State Department of Environmental Conservation – Hudson River National Estuarine Research Reserve.
Sidari, M. & R.E. Schmidt. 1990. Larval fish foods in water-chestnut beds. P. VI-1 to VI-23 in Final Reports of the Tibor T. Polgar Fellowship Program 1989. Hudson River Foundation and New York State Department of Environmental Conservation – Hudson River National Estuarine Research Reserve.
Smith, S. & R.E. Schmidt. 1988. Trophic status of the spottail shiner (Notropis hudsonius) in Tivoli North Bay, a Hudson River freshwater tidal marsh. P. VI-1 to VI-25 in J.R. Waldman and E.A. Blair, eds. Polgar Fellowship Reports of the Hudson River National Estuarine Research Reserve Program, 1987. Hudson River Foundation, New York, NY.
Stevens, G., R.E. Schmidt, D.R. Roeder, J.S. Tashiro & E. Kiviat. 1994. Baseline assessment of tributaries to the Hudson (BATH): water quality, fishes, macroinvertebrates, and diatoms in Fishkill Creek, Quassaic Creek, and Moodna Creek. Hudsonia Ltd., Annandale, NY. 2 vols.
Talmage, E. & E. Kiviat. 2004. Japanese knotweed and water quality on the Batavia Kill in Greene County, New York: Background information and literature review. Greene County Soil and Water Conservation District and New York City Department of Environmental Protection. 27 p.
Travis, K.B. & E. Kiviat. 2016. Best Management Practices for priority invasive plants in the Lower Hudson Valley: Report to the Lower Hudson Partnership for Regional Invasive Species Management.
Wallhausser, I. & J.S. Tashiro. 1989. Studies of the life history and trophic connections of a population of Palaemonetes pugio in the Croton River. P. V-1 to V-40 in E.A. Blair and J.R. Waldman, eds. Polgar Fellowship Reports of the Hudson River National Estuarine Research Reserve Program, 1988. Hudson River Foundation, New York, NY.
Waterman, B. & C. Lindner. 1991. Evaluation of Tivoli Bays archaeology and assessment of its potential to provide paleoenvironmental information. P. VIII-1 to VIII-62 in E.A. Blair and J.R. Waldman, eds. Final Reports of the Tibor T. Polgar Fellowship Program 1990. Hudson River Foundation, New York, NY.
Westad, K.E. & E. Kiviat. 1986. Flora of freshwater tidal swamps at Tivoli Bays Hudson River National Estuarine Sanctuary. P. III-1 to III-20 in J.C. Cooper, ed. Polgar Fellowship Reports of the Hudson River National Estuarine Sanctuary Program, 1985. New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Hudson River Foundation, and U.S. Department of Commerce.
Winogrond, H.G. & E. Kiviat. 1997. Invasion of Phragmites australis in the tidal marshes of the Hudson River. P. VI-1 to VI-29 n W.C. Nieder & J.R. Waldman, eds. Final Reports of the Tibor T. Polgar Fellowship Program 1996. Hudson River Foundation and New York State Department of Environmental Conservation – Hudson River National Estuarine Research Reserve.